Since B.A.T.S began, we've been gratified by the sheer numbers of people out there who want to lend a hand.
Many of you have already filled out volunteering forms at our public meeting in May: Your details are now safely on a database that can be accessed by only one committee member, and will be used for no other purpose than to contact you.
For everyone else, this is the page where you too can volunteer to be an active part of the group.
Whether you're a leading barrister with several decades of experience in planning law (it COULD happen!), a local shopkeeper, a member of a community group, church or sports club, or just someone who'd be happy to deliver a few leaflets; we'd love to hear from you!
On the Feedback form below (NOT the one on the "Feedback" page - that will be sent to a different person...), please tell us:
Your Name
Your Address, Postcode and Phone Number
Any skills or resources you feel able to offer the campaign
Enter "Volunteer" in space marked "Subject"